PROMOTIONAL MATERIALSDocuments displayed in this category are compressed to a smaller size, in order to load the site faster.A.3.1. Project promotional activitiesPress Release on the launch of the projectThe brochure presenting the protected areas within the projectProject Presentation mapProject Roll-upPensUSB Memory stick USB containing information on Natura 2000 sitesStickers for purchased equipmentProject launch ConferenceSurvey to establish awareness among the target audience - Research Report on the project POIM 102 258 "Management adequate biodiversity conservation in protected natural areas ROSCI0005 Balta Alba Amara-Jirlău-Lacul Sărat Câineni, ROSPA0004 Balta Albă Amara-Jirlău, 2.27 l Balta AIbă, 2.272 Balta Amara, 2.260 Lacul Jirlău-Vișani.Research report – Survey to establish awareness among the target audience Keep up with the latest news! Subscribe to the newsletter! Sign upLeave this field empty if you're human: