Appropriate management for the conservation of biodiversity in the protected natural areas ROSCI0005 Balta Albă-Amara-Jirlău-Lacul Sărat Câineni, ROSPA0004 Balta Albă-Amara-Jirlău, 2.271 Balta Albă, 2.272 Balta Amara, 2.260 Lacul Jirlău-Vişani COD SMIS 2014+ 102258

Maximilian Association announces the launch of the project “Appropriate Management for the Preservation of Biodiversity in the Protected Natural Areas ROSCI0005 Balta Albă-Amara-Jirlău-Lacul Sărat Câineni, ROSPA0004 Balta Albă-Amara-Jirlău, 2,271 Balta Albă, 2,272 Balta Amara, 2,260 Lacul Jirlău-Vişani”, a project financed by the European Development Fund under the High Infrastructure Operational Program – Priority Axis 4 – Environmental protection through biodiversity conservation measures, air quality monitoring and decontamination of historically polluted sites – Specific objective – 4.1 Increasing the protection and conservation ofbBiodiversity restoration of degraded ecosystems under Call for projectes 9/4/1 “Increasing biodiversity conservation through appropriate management measures and restoration of degraded ecosystems”.


Protecting and preserving biodiversity in protected natural areas ROSCI0005 Balta Albă-Amara-Jirlău-Lacul Sărat Câineni, ROSPA0004 Balta Albă-Amara-Jirlău, 2,271 Balta Albă, 2,272 Balta Amara, 2,260 Lacul Jirlău-Vişani, by elaborating and implementing a management framework (methods of efficient management of anthropogenic impact on natural habitats and species present in the site).

SPECIFIC OBJECTIVE 1: Ensuring coherent measures for the conservation of biodiversity within protected natural areas ROSCI0005 Balta Albă-Amara-Jirlău-Lacul Sărat Câineni, ROSPA0004 Balta Albă-Amara-Jirlău 2,271 Balta Albă, 2,272 Balta Amara, 2,260 Lacul Jirlău-Vişani.

SPECIFIC OBJECTIVE 2: Increasing the management capacity of the protected natural areas ROSCI0005 Balta Albă-Amara-Jirlău-Laacul Sărat Câineni, ROSPA0004 Balta Albă-Amara-Jirlău 2,271 Balta Albă, 2,272 Balta Amara, 2,260 Lacul Jirlău-Vişani.

SPECIFIC OBJECTIVE 3: Increasing education level and raising awareness regarding the importance of the site and of the actions to conserve biodiversity among local communities and other relevant target groups in the protected natural areas ROSCI0005 Balta Albă-Amara-Jirlău-Lacul Sărat Câineni, ROSPA0004 Balta Albă- Amara-Jirlău 2.271 Balta Albă, 2.272 Balta Amara, 2.260 Lacul Jirlău-Vişani

Local communities on the territory or in the vicinity of the protected natural areas – Galbenu, Grădiştea, Jirlău, Vişani from Brăila County, Balta Albă, Boldu from Buzău County. Residents of municipalities, representatives of the local public administration, teachers, students, representatives of businesses conducted in the vicinity of the site and on the site, associations of farmers, farmers, landowners, local NGOs, etc.

VALUE OF THE CONTRACT: 7.770.072,22 RON including VAT.


This project is co-financed from the European Regional Development Fund through the Large Infrastructure Operational Program 2014-2020.

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